Product CatalogueWine and LiquorLiquersLiquersBaileys Chocolate Liqueur 700ml Back BAILEYS Baileys Chocolate Liqueur 700ml Product ID: 147640 Brand: BAILEYS 2025-01-22 View or buy the Liquers Liquers - Baileys Chocolate Liqueur 700ml from BAILEYS to discover other options and shipping details. Description Back to Liquers - Liquers More Liquers and others in our range Cawseys Grenadine 700ml Vok Creme De Cacao Brown 500ml Boronia All Uovo Marsala 750ml Alize Bleu 700ml Monin Mojito Mint 700ml Frangelico Liq 700ml Angostura Bitters 200ml Rumba Coconut Rum Baileys Chocolate Liqueur 700ml Drambuie Liq 700ml